4 Reasons You Should Be Using Email Newsletters

While many businesses and brands focus their efforts on a strong social media presence to promote and share their content, it’s important to remember the internet’s original digital dissemination tool – email.

Email was the first true “killer app” in 1972, and 35 years later it continues to be a staple of digital communication, with some research indicating 91% of Americans have at least one account. That’s a much better track record than even the most popular social networks, especially considering you need an email to even login to those accounts.

The fact is, it’s almost impossible to get through life today without email. So, it makes sense that email marketing is still a very reliable and effective way to communicate to your audiences.

Check out these tips on how to improve your email messaging, so you can get more reads, responses and consumer conversions.

1. Integrate Sign-up Forms On Your Website

By far, the best way to attract new audiences is through your website. While many casual visitors might not want to provide their email, chances are some others will want to subscribe to your content. Using a pop-up or a sign-up widget within your site will allow users to easily input their email addresses. MailChimp offers a variety of embeddable forms and widgets for websites, and they allow you to keep track of each of your sign-up lists.

Coiski Tip: Make your sign-up form visible and simple. If you make them too complicated or personal, users leave before hitting the “submit” button. Also, Google may ding your site for having too many pop-ups, so use them sparingly.

2. Make Them Visually Appealing

Pop-ups or email forms should be as interesting as your content. The more eye-catching you can be, the better. Users appreciate a well thought-out, creative graphic and have a less likelihood of clicking out of them. Check out this unique sign-up form from ParentMap.com:

As you can see, the pop-up isn’t overly flamboyant, and it matches the overall look and feel of the website.

Coiski Tip: Spend time making your email form unique, and be sure it stays in line with your website’s style and design.

3. Incentivize Them

Email inboxes offer you full control on how, when and why you speak to your users. You are not bound by Twitter’s 140-character limit or Facebook’s News Feed algorithm. This means you can be more creative with your messaging, which is a huge incentive for your readers. Rewarding them with extra incentives such as merchandise discounts, prizes or exclusive content will go a long way in terms of customer loyalty.

4. Have Something To Say

When you send out your email newsletters, be sure you have enough content to merit a special message to your fans’ inboxes. If you send out too many newsletters with little-to-no new information, your subscribers will probably unsubscribe or never even open them. And if you’re saying the same thing on social media sites, your users will simply follow you there. So, be a little more intimate, fun and creative than a public social media post can offer.

What are some of the most effective email forms you’ve seen on the web? Let us know in the comments section below!

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