In an announcement Thursday, Instagram boasted over 200 million users post to Stories on a daily basis. This is huge, considering the ephemeral, Snapchat-esque feature is only about eight months old. Snapchat, which filed a public IPO in February, stated at the time that “on average, 158 million people use Snapchat daily.” Of course, those […]
Author: jonzmikly
5 Tips for Enhancing Your Web Presence
In today’s online economy, your website may very well be considered your digital storefront. As consumers scour the world wide web looking for products and services, they are essentially “window shopping,” making subconscious decisions based on what they see and experience. And a sloppy first impression could cause a would-be consumer to move on to […]
“Thursday Night Football” comes to Amazon Prime
Amazon Prime has secured the rights to “Thursday Night Football” this year, beating out Twitter who streamed the games last year. According to the New York Times, the internet retail giant is spending $50 million for the programming, and Prime customers will have access to ten NFL games throughout the season. Last year, Twitter paid […]
Influencer Marketing – the next big thing in advertising
Growing a wide fan base on social media isn’t always easy. With regular, relevant content and a strategic approach to promotion, you may end up with a solid, loyal audience. But truly reaching new markets can be difficult, especially when you’ve plateaued in growth. This is why part of your digital strategy should integrate influencer […]
Content Kings: Our Staff’s Favorite Stories from Around the Web this Week
From an oral history of Final Four 2016 to Kendrick Lamar’s latest visual, here are our staff’s favorite content pieces from around the web this week. Let us know your favorite content pieces by sharing them in the comment section below or using the hashtag #KingsOfContent on social media. George Kiel | CEO – @GeorgeKiel3 A tale […]
Facebook Stories Gives Snapchat a Run For Its Money
Rolling out this week to a Facebook app near you is a “new” feature called Stories. A borderline knockoff of Snapchat (and almost identical to its Instagram counterpart), Facebook Stories allows users to “send photos and videos to individual friends, add to your story or make a post.” The app offers everything you’d expect: face-warping […]
Twitter experiments with ‘enhanced’ TweetDeck
Since its inception, Twitter has always been a free social network. But a new, enhanced version of TweetDeck could bring a subscription-based model to the social media site. In an email survey sent out this week, Twitter has been asking power users if they would be interested in a “new, more enhanced version” of the […]
7 Adobe Innovations You Should Know About
Designers and content creators have used the Adobe Suite for years to create high quality designs, websites, videos and other multimedia. But most people don’t realize how many new tools and innovations Adobe really has to offer. With nearly 100 active products on the market, the company is constantly adding innovative software and changes to […]
#coiskiSXSW: The future of content is . . .
South by Southwest Interactive is known for its innovative trends, technology and people. Since its humble beginnings as a “multimedia festival” in 1995, the conference has now grown to attract over 32,000 attendees each year and consistently brings some of the brightest and best tech leaders from around the world, including Daniel Ek, Elon Musk, […]
#coiskiSXSW: Breakout Trend of 2017 is ‘Deep Machine Learning’
At the SXSW Interactive Innovation Awards on Tuesday, innovators were awarded for “the most exciting tech developments in the connected world.” From categories like Health, Med & Biotech, to Smart Cities, winners included the 3Doodler Pro – a 3D printing pen, and DuoSkin, which turns temporary tattoos into connected interfaces. But one of the awards […]