Last week, my brother James visited from Michigan. He said he hadn’t been on a “real” [read: paid] vacation in over eight years, so it was definitely a much needed getaway for him. And since classes ended a few weeks ago, I actually hadn’t had time to relax much yet, so I was very much […]
Wow, it has been months since I’ve updated. So, here are some pictures of what I’ve been up to: Now I’m back in San Marcos, and the weather is great, classes have started for my last semester at Texas State, and I couldn’t be happier!
I’m really liking living here at the Balcones apartments so far. I’m so close to many of my friends, and class is literally like 5 minutes away, running. Plus, I have a new palm tree, and I can live with Rand, my bro yo! We had our orientation with fellow GA-ers today, and it just […]
Painting my bike
Of all my ideas, I think this was one of the most solid: painting my bike 8 days before I have to be out of my apartment. Taking the bike apart has become at least a 10-day, messy, messy ordeal, and now that it’s in one thousand pieces in my tiny room, I will be […]
livin’ life
Today God has answered one big prayer of mine that had been on my mind ever since I’ve gotten here. I won’t bore you with the details, but the whole process has showed me a lot about His sovereignty and His nature in general. Prayer really is the muscle that moves His hand. Prayer actually […]