Facebook has been gunning for Snapchat for a few years now. After its failed attempt at purchasing the face-warping, geo-filtering messaging app in 2013, Facebook has been making painstaking efforts to buy, copy or kill it. And in yesterday’s update to Frames, a Snapchat geofilter spinoff, users can now create their own filters for parties, […]
Social Media
How Bobby Blanchard Runs Texas Tribune’s Award-Winning Snapchat Account
As a brand, it’s kind of hard to take Snapchat seriously. With all its face-warping goofiness, cartooney geofilters, not to mention its shady start as a private teen messaging platform, the app seems to be a young man’s game. But Snapchat’s demographic and reach is growing — and fast. Last June, the app boasted more daily […]
For Facebook, Video is King
You may think your creative status updates, beautiful images or relevant links are getting you far on social media, but on Facebook, nothing compares to native video content. With recent updates to its app, Facebook Live and its newsfeed algorithm, Facebook CEO and creator Mark Zuckerberg is moving fast on his prediction that it won’t […]
The “Secret Sauce” of Twitter Analytics
When it comes to your online presence, Twitter can be one of the most effective ways to reach your communities and audiences. With a focus on news and information, this 140-character platform has the potential to build a strong, loyal following. But most of the time, businesses, organizations and individuals fail to build a strategy […]
Facebook’s Justin Johnson Shares 6 Ways to Spruce Up Your Facebook Presence
With over 1.79 billion monthly active users, Facebook has led the charge in defining social media for our time. As the most popular social media site in America, the site has become our go-to news source for your co-worker’s new Pug, or catching up on your aunt’s latest vacation photos. But as more and more […]