The day has come, ladies and gentlemen: Facebook video ads are here. In an announcement yesterday, the social media giant provided an “update on video monetization,” which rolled out three major changes:
- A “small number of partners” will be able to integrate video ads in on-demand Facebook video
- Profiles and Pages that stream Facebook Live will start seeing “Ad Breaks” in their videos (beta testing now)
- Through the Audience Network, brands and businesses will be able to run Facebook video ads on their personalized websites and apps (outside of Facebook)
Shift In Storytelling
That first item is going to be the most interesting to watch. As stated, only a few brands and content providers have been chosen to begin to earning 55% share of Facebook’s ad revenue per video. But that will soon roll out to more and more providers as time goes on. With the monetary incentive, we’re about to see many YouTubers uploading their viral video content to Facebook. More importantly, we’ll start seeing a change in the type of video uploaded to Facebook. “Ad Breaks” will obviously interrupt programming, so, it will be important for creators to adapt their content to fit the new system and strategically think about how they can tease parts of their content so viewers will sit through an ad.
Also, the ads themselves will look a little different than most. Because Facebook is a social network, it tends to have more personalized data about us than Google. True, Google remembers and tracks a lot of personalized data when we surf the web. But users willingly hand over even more valuable data to Facebook when we “like” brands and companies, fill out our profiles with new jobs or current geographic locations, or actively seek out businesses or products. We’ll probably begin to see Facebook ads are more relevant, personalized and creative than ever.
Facebook Live
Another big change is the integration of adverting on Facebook Live. There are a few stipulations, but if you love to stream, here’s how advertising will work:
- First of all, you can only take advantage of ad breaks if your Page or profile has 2,000 or more followers and you have reached at least 300 concurrent viewers on a recent stream.
- Once you’ve accomplished this, you can tap the $ icon in the Live composer window.
- After being live for at least 4 minutes, you can take an ad break. Then, you can take an ad break every 5 minutes.
- Ad breaks last up to 20 seconds.
This feature is only rolling out to U.S. broadcasters right now, so if you qualify, be sure to look for the notification next time you go live.