

I like to visit Facebook a lot because I am originally from Illinois and the set up of Facebook’s posts make it easy for me to view pictures and status’s from friends and family that are miles away. It also has an easy messenger or chat option that make communication quite easy. I believe that Facebook could improve the way they chronologically order the posts that show up on the news feed. Sometimes while I am scrolling I notice a post from yesterday is in the midst of posts that were just recently uploaded. Facebook is very user friendly and all generations (like my grandma) can navigate and use it. I believe that some of the content on Facebook is garbage or useless, but for me I enjoy seeing what my family and friends back home are up to in their lives and accomplishments they are making. Also Facebook has Trending topics which are usually news related either of Sports or Actors.






Apartment Therapy


I have a weakness for d.i.y. home projects!  I love making new things and Apartment Therapy has something for everyone. I could spend hours on this site and sometimes I do! It’s such a dreamy resource for browsing simple weekend projects or finding help for tackling difficult projects like a kitchen makeover (#someday). I like this website for it’s content and design. The photography is beautiful and the layout is clean and organized. I can’t help but feel inspired to create when I come to this corner of the web. One of my favorite parts about the website is the way the categories and labels are outlined. I like that there are labels for specific decor styles, specific rooms in your home, even a tab for small spaces! They just added a “color search” tool that allows the reader to  search content based on color (up to five). How cool is that? This is a website that I feel I will never outgrow and can always refer to especially as I get more in tune with my own style. I started using this website about three years ago when I first got married. I was in a nesting phase (still am, that never goes away)! I am always inspired by the content and it’s a great site to learn simple tricks for home and how to use the space you have. I have also learned about home maintenance and have gained some insight on what it takes to be a home owner. And last, my most favorite thing is browsing the home tours section to see how others dwell and to see what inspires them and their home.  Anyway, enough rambling about Apartment Therapy… Go check it out for yourself! 🙂

Here are a few of my favorite house tours… this one and this two and this three 

– Laura Meitzler