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One of my favorite websites to visit is Pinterest. I can spend hours on Pinterest, mostly because of the content, but the design keeps me coming back as well. I like the design because it is simple. It is literally just pictures and captions directing you to other websites. For example, I would go to a website like Amazon and see a dress I really like. On Chrome, I can hover my mouse over the picture of that dress and pin it to one of my Pinterest boards (for example, Fashion). Then it will be out there for anyone who is following me to re-pin as their heart desires. I really like how Pinterest is made personal with boards. I can go to my own profile and see what I have pinned onto my boards.

My Pinterest boards
One of my favorite features of Pinterest is the “Everything” page because I can see what people around the world are pinning to their boards. This is where I find a lot of pins that I like and re-pin, and I also will follow people with similar interests as me.

The “Everything” page on Pinterest
Pinterest is very easy to navigate. For example, if I see a chicken enchiladas recipe on Pinterest, I can re-pin that recipe to one of my own boards (for example, Yummy Foods). Then when I click on the picture, it will take me to the website where that picture was found and give me the recipe for the chicken enchiladas. That is why I call it the website of all websites; it links you to websites all over for the things that interest you.
If I could improve one thing about Pinterest, it would be to somehow organize it so it isn’t so overwhelming. For me, I feel like even though I have found many things on Pinterest that appeal to/interest me, there are probably so many more things I haven’t seen that I would also love. It is a bit overwhelming because there is just so much content. On the contrary, I also love that there is so much content to filter through, which is how I can literally spend hours on the website. Also, it would be cool if you could customize the design more, such as being able to change the background, text color, etc. It is one of the best and most simple websites for both content and design.

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