
Drug Addiction (Jolina & Raquel)

her-arnold-drug-addict Our final project will be on drug addictions. This will involve facts and stories from people who have actually struggled with the use of hard drugs and talking about how they have overcome their addictions. Our pages will include:

– home (information about website)
– documentary (video, will include interviews of former drug addicts and their stories)
– facts & statistics (how do you define addiction, stats, etc.)
– Q & A (pictures and a slideshow with former addicts & their advice on the road to recovery, possibly including a poll or a comment page for viewers)
– get help (advice, websites, numbers to call for quitting)
– about us



The Hook-Up Culture

hook up cultureAn idea that I may want to explore is the “hookup culture.” With apps such as tinder, I feel as though today’s youth have been more promiscuous than those of previous generations. I think this is an interesting topic that has many different angles to it, and can easily be covered with different sources. Besides the home and contact pages (two of the five required pages), one page can strictly be used to tell the story of students that are willing to be interviewed over this topic. I feel as though I’ll be able to get stories from students/young adults that have “hooked up” or have opinions on hooking up and apps such as tinder that allow this to happen easily. Another page can have information provided by physicians/healthcare providers discussing the risks from a medical standpoint. The last page can easily be a page discussing STDs and tips on how to avoid them (contraceptives… abstinence).

Besides interviews that are turned into narratives, I can incorporate an interview that is filmed, the STD page can be an interactive map that the viewer can click through to find more information (kind of like this but not as childish), and I can incorporate surveys to see what percentage of my viewers do hookup. There is also a possibility of having a page with a discussion forum so visitors can maybe share their experiences (in a non-explicit way) or share their opinions on the matter.

Just an idea.


Beer for Everyone!

My final project will be about beer. I will give a brief history about beer, include information about breweries, beer styles, and I will have a comment section.

Page 1- About Page, brief history
Page 2- Beer Styles
Page 3-Food and beer pairing
Page 4- local breweries near you or only in Texas
Page 5- Beer knowledge test or Survey
on favorite beers/styles/breweries etc.
OR A page where users can comment about different beers they like or have had.

I will have a video slide show on the local breweries page. I would also like to post a few beer reviews on the “Beer knowledge page.” Possibly a few press releases from local breweries about new releases and more. I will let users leave reviews on beers and I will have a local breweries section that will pinpoint the users area code to the closest brewery to the user through google maps most likely. I will also allow users to take a beer knowledge survey.


Local Restaurants – Michael and Katy

large-TapRoomWhile brainstorming with Katy, we both came to realization that we love food and drinks, so we thought it’d be a good idea to do a story on the wonderful local restaurants of San Marcos. We would take the time to go to a few of the local restaurants and interview the owner/managers on their establishment and see their history (1.), what draws their customers in/specials (2.), what makes their restaurant  a unique part of San Marcos (3.), and where they are located at and how to contact each place (4.) Page five would be mine and Katy’s contact info. To tell this story we would have interviews with the managers of each place be movies put into each section and photos of the establishments inside and people eating at them and enjoying themselves. On the location page we plan on having a Google map embedded with the binged location of each place we go to on it so that way they can interact and see each one.