
Next Big Thing

I’ve always found virtual reality a fascinating topic. I think there’s always some desire to escape reality when it becomes overwhelming. Something as simple as a projected fantasy world can be a large stress relief for some people. I think the next big thing will through Google’s Niantic Labs video games. They’re able to incorporate this virtuality with the real world, allowing people to move outside to play rather than be cooped up inside. It’s amazing that it can add value to a city; they incorporate anomalies with historical markers. It benefits by bringing together such a large variety of people together.



Next Big Thing- 3D Printing

I think that the next big thing could be 3D printing. It seems more plausible to me than a lot of ideas and concepts going out right now. I was reading that there isn’t much hype for it and that it is still in the very early stages, but I think if people invest enough time into it could be huge in a couple of years. I remember seeing videos and thing about it a while back where a guy had gotten a hold of one or was helping design one and he used it to print a gun. Many people were put off by this, saying that if 3D printing like this becomes available to the general public than it could be bad. People could be printing their own guns and weapons and have complete access to things like that. I tend to see the good in things and don’t have a negative view about this. If anything, I think that society would start to realize the practical use for 3D printing.

It could be bad in that there would be no need for factories anymore or manufacturers of any kind because then anyone with a 3D printer would print things off in their own home whenever they want. I read in an article on digitaltrends.com that 3D printing is still in the early stages and equates it to that of the first Macintosh computer. It has practical uses, but still has a long way to go before it can be as useful and convenient as the iPhone.  But I think there is hope for the future of 3d printing. I think that it has already begun to make a positive impact for some industries, such as the medical field. This video below is so heartwarming and shows that 3D printing could help a lot more people.



Augmented-Reality… The Next Big Thing

When I first began considering what I believed to be “the next big thing,” I immediately thought of “wearables” and the convenience of having your phone or computer right on you… But in all honestly, who doesn’t have their phone on them all the time anyways? & I have to admit, I didn’t run right out and buy the apple watch, despite it’s efficiency, it still isn’t that stylish!

So as I began browsing through some articles on what others consider to be “the next big thing” I found one that shed a whole new light on what virtual-reality could do! Though the article is mostly concerned with Apple’s non-involvement in this up-and-coming industry, Dave Smith also points out some key innovations to augmented-reality and the ways in which it is being applied!

P.S. Be sure to read the part about the HoloLens assisting in installing a light switch– this in particular is why I believe virtual-reality is going to be “the next big thing.”



Next Big Thing?

In my opinion, the next big thing will have to be wearables. Such as the apple watch, once they improve and add more features to the watch, or a wrist phone. For a better visualization of what I’m talking about, here is a youtube video of the wrist watch.



The Next Big Thing

It’s hard to pinpoint a single thing that will be like the next internet. In this article I found from Forbes.com, written by Gene Marks, a writer for Forbes and an expert in business, he has a theory of the next several big things. He explains all the items that his clients are wanting and how when they are invented they will be some of the biggest sellers. The list ranges from easy integration to real batteries to solve the limited energy source for electronics issue.


