
Final Project Idea

Lately I’ve been really irritated with myself over how much I use my phone. It seems like even when I don’t notice it, I’m reaching for it or refreshing my Facebook page even when I just checked me feed. I think social media and phones are a great tool and they each have their place but I really don’t think that it should be used to just pass time. It can be addictive and it makes me feel like we’re losing touch with humanity since almost everyone is usually on their phone.

I haven’t really decided what angle to take with this but I found a couple of interesting articles that inspired me to pursue this aside from my own annoying relationship with my phone. The first is an article from the Huffington Post that says texting is affecting our social skills. The second article is from the New Zealand Herald and it’s about a new app called Binder that helps you break up with your significant other via text. I hope it doesn’t catch on because not only is that horrible but also pretty cowardly and ridiculous.


Final Project

I would like to do my final project South Hays Fire Department. My assigned BEAT in my writing for electronic media has been Fire/EMS this summer and I really enjoy learning about all that goes into that occupation.

I think I could show a lot of different sides and angles people don’t usually see. For instance, there’s so much just on the website that people don’t realize they do. Firefighting is something I have become very passionate to learn about.



Final Website: Wildlife

I would like my research and content to focus on animals and they’re ability to adapt to their environment. I could possibly cover some of the local habitats. I’ve also been familiarizing myself with the creatures that adapt to extreme environments, like the the frozen tundras of Antarctica. Paul Nicklen, a photographer from National Geographic, has an amazing p.o.v on the topic. http://www.paulnicklen.com/national-geographic/


Final project ideas

To be completely honest, I’ve felt as though I’ve drawn a blank when it comes to this final.

My first idea of course was to do what I do on my FDOM blog and cover the local indie scene. I’d probably have to go to a few shows and stuff of course, but I already do that whether I have a project on it or not.

My next idea, after I took a look at some other posts, was to do a website to cover my friend Josh’s tattoo business and history. The man has over 25 years of tattooing experience. His style is definitely what you would call biker style, although occasionally have delved into watercolor and more psychedelic forms of the art work.

Lastly, you told me after class I could work with Jarrett. I know he wants to cover some sort of games, although I don’t know if you see that as a legitimate topic.


The Final Project

To be honest, I have no idea what I want my final project to be about. There are so many different things that I would like to do, but I’m trying to pick something that I could write about and find footage for on five pages. I also want to make sure my project is over something I have a strong interest in…

With that being said, food is a top contender for the topic of my final project. I want to write about the rise of consumers becoming more conscious of the food they eat which could be leading to the rise of alternative food chains.

I also might make my final project on talented local artists in San Marcos, Texas.


Final Project

I’m going to make a website about my best friends tattoo history. He began tattooing while we were in the Army together, and then honed his skills while he served about 4 years in prison. Having recently been released from prison, he obtained a job with a studio in Freeport. I thought it’d be interesting to not only cover his tattooing, but perhaps look at how tattooing has been a positive influence in his life. Maybe even emphasize how it has served as an outlet for pent up frustrations and also as a coping mechanism.


Final Project: Poverty

For my final project, I’d like to write about the effect poverty has on various aspects of life in San Marcos. While the town has been named the fastest-growing mid-sized city for three consecutive years, the poverty rate is still well-above the state average.

Poverty can have devastating consequences: health, education, economic opportunities and overall quality of life are compromised when an individual struggles financially.

I’d like to examine these facets, especially as they pertain to the San Marcos area, and hopefully shed some light on possible solutions.


Final Ideas

I am thinking about making my final blog/web site about fitness nutrition. A lot of people over look the importance of eating right when it comes to getting fit. Since most of my website is about things you can do in the gym to get fit, I figured it would be fun to make my final about what you can do in the kitchen to reach your fitness goals. After, dieting is just as, if not more, important than the exercises you do.


Final Idea?

I have no idea what I’m going to write about. None. I have been thinking about this off-and-on for the past couple of days and still have come to no conclusion. I would like to thank the professor for this unexpected time of self-reflection. I now am sure, more than ever, that my life is as boring as I thought it was.

The only thing I can think to write about is having an exotic animal as a pet. There is not that much information out there on them when you search the web, and some things I found weren’t the best advice(imagine that).

I also thought about doing something with space… Like when living on space stations would  become a reality or how they build things like that, etc.

I could do something more controversial like police hatred I suppose. My boyfriend is an officer in Austin so I hear a lot of him and his co-workers opinions which are usually very opposite of my friends’. I fins listening to their opinions very interesting.  Seems like every time you turn on the news  there is another issue with cops.


so yah… it’s either something here or i’m just going to talk about Orange is the New Black for 5 pages.



Final Idea

It took a me a while to figure out what I was going to do for the final project. I know I have a hard time with a busy schedule when I’m past exhausted. I figured my pages would focus on sleep and its relationship with the conscious and unconscious mind. Sleep problems are something I deal with, which makes it difficult with school and work when I want to sleep all day. It’ll be about different mental phenomena that occur in relation to sleep; experiences and other people’s experiences could be a different page.

I found this article interesting.