One of my favorite websites isĀ It’s Chance the Rapper’s (and his band The Social Experiment’s) site. It literally has everything you need to know about them, what they’re doing, articles, music, upcoming performances and merchandise. Most of it can be found on the home page! They just released a free album, and the first thing you see when you go to the site is the album cover and a link to download or continue to the home page. I love how sleek the website is and I can find whatever I need just by scrolling down. In relation to the ten principles: it doesn’t make users think (literally, everything you need is on the first page); it doesn’t squander patience (you can download music with the click of a button without making an account or signing into anything); they do a good job of focusing attention with a lot of visuals; with the simplicity of it, there’s not a lot of feature exposure; the little writing that’s on the home page is effectively done; as I’ve mentioned plenty of times, the site is very simple; with everything on one page, there’s not a lot of white space and that can definitely be improved upon; the site is mainly made up of visible language and it works great; though it’s not your typical site, it’s conventional enough that most wouldn’t have a problem navigating (it would, however, be easier if the put the navigation at the top rather than the bottom of the page for those that want to get straight to the content they’re looking for). In conclusion, I think it’s a great site with its visual appeal and simplicity. The main thing they should correct is their navigation placement.