It is easily one of the best engineered websites on the World Wide Web. Like it’s products, it’s sleek, easy to use and all in one place. It doesn’t require too much of the user to find what they’re looking for. #1 don’t make users think. On the front page is new products and promos. Not what you’re looking for? well then it’s in one of the seven categories above. Because apple has less than ten major products, everything a user could need is right there. #2 don’t squander patience. Everything for the most part is center aligned which keeps focus. I you visit the Mac page, the animations that go into the design of how they make the computers look with soft shadows and everything is really quite beautiful and smooth. As far as simplicity, there is more than enough white space and on each page there isn’t paragraphs of writing or blocks of information, which can make things looked crammed. For rule #10, I’ve never heard of anyone having problems with the website.

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