I don’t typically browse the web that often, and when I do my time is mostly spent on social media sites… However, as I began my search for a website that is simply and easily constructed I stumbled upon a site completely dedicated to promoting the film Nightcrawler, which happened to be one of the most interesting and accessible sites I have ever visited.

As far as addressing the ten principles set by Vitaly Friedman, I felt nightcrawlerfilm.com hit every one of the requirements… The site requires the viewer to do virtually nothing other than view clips of the film, which likewise retains the viewer’s attention, and provides a “Buy Tickets” option on the front page. Other than that, you can view critic quotes, watch trailers and access various pages that detail and promote the film… & the site is as simple as that!

Furthermore, besides the actual website being constructed so simply and accessible to viewers, they also do an excellent job of promoting the movie. I haven’t actually seen Nightcrawler yet, but maybe I will after viewing this site!

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