Final Project Idea
Lately I’ve been really irritated with myself over how much I use my phone. It seems like even when I don’t notice it, I’m reaching for it or refreshing my Facebook page even when I just checked me feed. I think social media and phones are a great tool and they each have their place but I really don’t think that it should be used to just pass time. It can be addictive and it makes me feel like we’re losing touch with humanity since almost everyone is usually on their phone.
I haven’t really decided what angle to take with this but I found a couple of interesting articles that inspired me to pursue this aside from my own annoying relationship with my phone. The first is an article from the Huffington Post that says texting is affecting our social skills. The second article is from the New Zealand Herald and it’s about a new app called Binder that helps you break up with your significant other via text. I hope it doesn’t catch on because not only is that horrible but also pretty cowardly and ridiculous.