
Final Project

I’m going to make a website about my best friends tattoo history. He began tattooing while we were in the Army together, and then honed his skills while he served about 4 years in prison. Having recently been released from prison, he obtained a job with a studio in Freeport. I thought it’d be interesting to not only cover his tattooing, but perhaps look at how tattooing has been a positive influence in his life. Maybe even emphasize how it has served as an outlet for pent up frustrations and also as a coping mechanism.


Website principles

If you hate shopping, and I do, because you can’t stand crowds, then online shopping is hands down the way to go. If I can avoid ever setting foot into a mall, I will do it. Thank you E-commerce.

But I especially internet shopping for workout nutrition products via Bodybuilding.com. Albeit this site does not follow all 10 of the principles that are considered necessary for a good website, but for me personally, it gets by with nailing a few of those said principles.

I love the fact that I don’t need an account and can check out as a guest (see principle 2), and an account is always a secondary option. I also have an easily attainable shopping center, that easily categorizes products based on filters I can control. Bodybuilding.com also does a great job of conveying its visual imagery for it’s own respective advertising, (bro with six pack abs drinking a protein shake) which the entire “nutrition” industry has in fact managed to do a good job of.

As for it’s shortcomings….holy white space. Or rather, the absolute absence of it. The website feels as if every free spot of web page space was filled. Most pages look as if the designers took a giant bucket of words, links and pictures and dumped it on an internet domain space. Also, most the advertising while it has great visual imagery, all appears to be “clickbait” inspired:  “Get huge lean muscles now!”, “6 weeks to a 6 pack for summer!”, etc.

But all in all, it’s a website I prefer over most.