
New Website

For the final website, I plan on doing it over the self-defense class that is offered by the university. Not only is it important for students to be aware about, but it is also in my opinion an interesting subject. The pages on my website would go over:

  1. When and why it started
  2. What students/faculty think of it
  3. The stats behind it such as, how many students attend, what other universities are doing it, etc.
  4. A video page with maybe interviews or instructions
  5. More information about it. So times, location and how and who can sign up

The people who I would interview would be the instructors (to the best of my knowledge this is the UPD), students who have taken it and maybe others just on what they think. I am excited to learn more about this subject.


Hobby Website

For my new website, I would like to venture into baking. Baking is always a fun pastime for me and this would allow me or push me to try new recipes and become better. I am thinking that every so often I would try a new recipe and post it onto the website.

My five pages I think would be something like the following:

  1. Home Page
  2. Favorites: This page would consist of two or three recipes that my friends or family members like the most.
  3. Fails: This page would consist of two or three recipes that either turned out horrible or were the least favorites.
  4. Cheesecakes
  5. Cakes/Others

Each page would obviously have a picture with the recipe, but they would also have a couple sentences with my thoughts or experience with making it. The cooking website that I like and plan on following a little would be http://thepioneerwoman.com/cooking/.


By: Sydni Emery