
My new website

For my new website, I would enjoy taking a different take on my favorite two hobbies, guitar and drumming. I have shared some of my love for guitar on my first website but would like to introduce the addition of drumming. I would like to have some reviews and maybe a few articles of that some instruments sound and look like. The pages would be something like a

  1. home page with an introduction to the drums and guitars
  2. guitar reviews- have video of different guitars and what they sound like.
  3. drum review- have a few videos of some drum sets
  4. amp comparisons- have a review on different amps perhaps playing the same riff but on different amps
  5.  gallery- pictures of various guitars and drums

These page ideas may change but I would like to have a navigation like DiMarzio’s pick up website. I really want to incorporate video and audio as it goes hand in hand with music.


My favorite website

my favorite website to visit is bleacherreport.com. It is a sports news website with a plethora of sports stories and videos that cover team needs, game analysis, game predictions, and many other topics in all of the major and minor sports. I love the navigation or the website as it allows me to simply scroll over all of the stories for the days. Once you click on an article that includes a top ten list, you can easily click right or left on the keyboard to move on to the next part of the article almost seamlessly. That, combined with great content, allows for a fun and effortless sporting news experience.