is a pandora box of useful or entertaining information. This website is so simple! All I have to do is scroll down the site and click on a title that grabs my attention. That’s just about all there is to the website. Reddit has a simple easy to use format, but what you are linked to could add some new information in your brain, or simply make you laugh.

According to The 10 Principles of Effective Web Design this page fits most of the criteria and fails some of it. It’s simple do use so it really doesn’t require a genius to figure out how to effectively navigate the site. You have the option of signing up for Reddit, so you don’t forcefully have to sign up for a service to view the content of the site. Aside from searching for good link titles as I scroll through the pages, there isn’t a lot of attention getting features on the site. Also there is no crazy intuitive design that blows me away. The titles on the links catch my attention! So Reddit does strive for simplicity and has really effective writing. As of now ism guessing the site is only in English. They haven’t really tested anything new because it has had the same format for years. That simplicity is what attracted users in the first place.