Really the only website that I ever visit, other than social media, is ESPN. It is the easiest way to keep up with what is going on in the world of sports even though a lot of things that are posted on the site are biased. Still, it is just a website for games and sports so for me it is just fun and entertainment.

The title page of the ESPN website
When first visiting the website, everything that is ‘above the digital fold’ so to speak is very neat and sleek looking as I would expect from a sports page. It is also very organized and detailed as Americans love their stat lines and numbers on everything sports. To Americans, sports is a science and ESPN does a good job of making this science seem cool. Upon scrolling down the cool, red background fades into a white and stays white the entire way down the page. Actually, it is like this on every page of the website. This to me seems almost lazy. I think I would enjoy something more edgy and eye catching to continue down the length of the page instead of just being a top of the page attention-grabber.

The bottom of the page of the ESPN website is white
I do like how organized all the links are and clearly defined, so navigation throughout the site is relatively easy. However, on the main page there is usually a scrolling list of video thumbnails which I would consider the “main headlines” of the site and when I click on these videos it takes me to a different page. Most of the time the video that I click on is not the story that will be playing. It is some other story from “college football” or whatever it was that I tried to watch and this seems very odd to me from a news source.
All in all though the thing that always drives me back to the site is content. I don’t care too much about it being super flashy or anything like that. I care that the site is easy to navigate so I can find out about the sports that I am looking for. On the whole the content and sports entertainment coverage of the site is unparalleled anywhere else on the web.