
Final Project

For my final project, I have decided to combine my web design project with my writing for pr project. In my writing for pr class, we had to make up a fake PR company and create a press kit for it. Taking advantage of my web design project, I plan to create my last site on my pretend PR company which I named 7 Seas PR. It will look just like any company’s website. I will have a page dedicated to explaining what the company is, another with a client portfolio, one with the types of industries and sectors it works with, contact information and so on. I interviewed my roommate who will be the pretend chief operating officer (COO) for the company where she will explain the meaning behind the name of the company.


Hobby Webpage

My new page will be about my hobby- writing. Since I was small, I always had an interest in writing stories or simply writing in my so called diary. Writing has also been one of my easiest things to do because I can express myself through paper and pen easier. That is why I have chosen to do a website on writing.

Webpages to be included:

  1. About——–What is Writing?
  2. Me & Writing
  3. Writer’s Block —–Advice
  4. Future Projects
  5. Fanatics—–suggestions for people to look into


I would like my website to look similar to PR Girl Diaries (http://prgirldiaries.com/). The website is a reflection of what I want to do. The website basically contains the same type of pages I’ll be including in my site for writing. I like that its clear, lots of white space, good content and easy to read.


Favorite Website- That Working Girl

My favorite website is That Working Girl. It’s a website built by a woman who writes about working in a daily basis and what’s it like. I do believe the site follows a lot of the standards for an “effective web design”. The reason I like her site is the way it’s customized and how it leaves plenty of white space (rule #7) in each page of her site. It leaves the message clear and simple (rule #6) to the reader and causes no confusion. Although the site is simple, it may be too simple. More content should be put up.