My next website is going to highlight all of the fun activities that are available to anyone who chooses to visit San Marcos. I will be posting in formation about several different types of activities that individuals or groups of people can be a part of. My pages will be as follows
- Home page: This page will introduce myself, why I am choose to create a site for San Marcos activities, and also a small little history about San Marcos.
- Outdoors: Since a major aspect of San Marcos is the outdoor scene, I will have an entire page dedicated to the rivers, hiking trails & biking trails.
- The Square: I will also have a page that highlights the downtown area and all of the different events that happen in and around the downtown area.
- restaurants / bars : I will then talk in depth about the drinking and dinning options located throughout the town.
- suggestions: Finally I will have a suggestions option where visitors to the site an submit suggestions of things that could be added to the site to help provide better information.
I actually had a really hard time finding a travel blog that I felt would work good for my content but i have looked at a few website builders that have templates for travel / city blogs and I think that I will base my designs off of several of those templates.