
Hobbies Website

I am going to use my next website to post my photography/ videography. I have never been much of a photographer, but I have recently gotten a GoPro and I take it almost everywhere. I will be posting my photography that I take with both my phone and my GoPro but I plan on using this site to help encourage me to take more photos as well as become a better photographer.

This website is going to have five tabs. These tabs are listed below:

  1. Home/ contact- introduction, mission statement, and ways to contact me if interested
  2. Art/music events- a page of pictures and video taken at music/ art based events
  3. Flowers- photos of flowers because I take at least one picture of a flower a day. I will also write a brief description of the flower. This is something I have been doing for the past year.
  4. People- this will have pictures that I take of the people I encounter
    1. Mostly people who approach me when they see my camera
    2. Sometimes they tell me personal stories or interesting things.
      1. If so, I will quote them or write about our discussion
    3. Calendar/ suggestions page- this is where I will post the events and things I plan on doing and documenting and sharing on my site
      1. There will also be a suggestions box or section so that people can tell me about cool events that I can cover.

I want my site to look like oddfuture.com. Although this site is for a music group, I love the style and structure of the site. It is very clean and easy to navigate.


My next website

My next website is going to highlight all of the fun activities that are available to anyone who chooses to visit San Marcos. I will be posting in formation about several different types of activities that individuals or groups of people can be a part of. My pages will be as follows

  1. Home page: This page will introduce myself, why I am choose to create a site for San Marcos activities, and also a small little history about San Marcos.
  2. Outdoors: Since a major aspect of San Marcos is the outdoor scene, I will have an entire page dedicated to the rivers, hiking trails & biking trails.
  3. The Square: I will also have a page that highlights the downtown area and all of the different events that happen in and around the downtown area.
  4. restaurants / bars : I will then talk in depth about the drinking and dinning options located throughout the town.
  5. suggestions: Finally I will have a suggestions option where visitors to the site an submit suggestions of things that could be added to the site to help provide better information.

I actually had a really hard time finding a travel blog that I felt would work good for my content but i have looked at a few website builders that have templates for travel / city blogs and I think that I will base my designs off of several of those templates.



I would like my new page layout to look exactly like an online magazine blog. I want it to look like essence.com mixed with a personal blog such as bougieblackgirl.com. On each page will be a picture representing my brand to showcase black women’s beauty. The first page will be an introduction into the goal of the site. I will have poetry and videos from either myself or my favorite poet, the next page will have links (social media) to different blogs that promote positivity and encouragement to black women like me,  the third page will incorporate art work and a forums page that encourages readers to comment, the fourth page will venture into a “Black Girls Rock” segment that shows women in the entertainment industry and why they are significant (more like a facts page) and the fifth page will have a contact information link as well as a survey that could improve the quality of content.


Hobby Website!

For my next website I want to make something about things you could do in Austin.

Home page- Welcome page explaining all the great things to do in Austin and why visiting Austin would be fun

2nd page- Top places to eat in Austin, would have to limit this to a number because there are SO many.

3rd page- Live music scene in Austin. I would make this about some of the top venues to watch live music in Austin.

4th page- Hikes/outdoor activities to do in Austin, would also do the top 5-10 best places to be outside in Austin.

5th page- Nightlife in Austin, best places to go out to on the weekends!

6th page- Contact page

I love the idea of each page being similar to a buzzfeed article, but I want the overall website to be more creative. There is a Wix commercial for website design and I like the options they have but I obviously want to create that myself! The Wix website is really cool and that’s the type of website I would like to use for inspiration.


Hobbies Website


One hobby of mine that I would like to make a website out is my taste for beer and alcohol. One of my favorite thing are signature cocktails and beers. Living in San Marcos and in the Austin area for a few years now I really have felt the need for something like this. One website that features so many bars that its like a one stop shop. I’ve curated 5 pages for this sit

1) Home

2) Liquors- This will focus on cocktails and drinks. The good ones and then some of the best prices in the area.

3) Beers-This will be mainly local beers and the best beer gardens and bars in town that offer good prices, good beer and good atmosphere.

4) Hot Spots- For the last page I want to create a sort of gallery in where people can click the bar they want to go to and there is a profile on each one. That way they know what they are getting into.

5) Submissions- I would really like to include a submissions page because this is a fun way to keep people interactive and helps with web content and producing more. This submission page is just another way for contact page.

One website that does a good job of this style is drinkspirits.com, where they review the drinks. I want to have a clean and aesthetically pleasing site that takes on the organization of Drink Spirits but the effectiveness of Yelp.


Hobby Website

For the next project, I would like to make a website about restaurants and foods that I enjoy. Eating is definitely one of my favorite past times and I really consider myself a foodie. I enjoy going to new places and am always open to try new things.

My five pages would be:

  1. Home page that introduces me and what the rest of the website is going to be about
  2. My favorite foods in San Marcos and where I like to go to eat them
  3. My favorite homemade Korean dishes (that my momma still cooks me)
  4. My favorite restaurants and why I like them
  5. My favorite recipes that I like to cook at home

I came across Kirbie’s Cravings and really liked the design of the website. Although it’s a website for those living in San Diego, I liked the concept of the site. It has restaurant index where you could search for restaurants by cuisine or location, a recipe index where you could search for recipes many different ways, and much more. Also, the layout is cute, simple, and easy to navigate through.



My next website will be about my love for all things pertaining to beauty.

My five pages will (most likely) be as follows:

  1. Home page – briefly describes what the site is about.
  2. About – describes me and how I got into all of this.
  3. Favorite fashion trends/brands.
  4. Favorite makeup trends/brands.
  5. Tutorials/others who inspire me.

A couple of examples of websites who are good at this are:

  1. Zoella
  2. Essie Button
  3. In the Frow
  4. The Sunday Girl

(Interestingly enough, all of these bloggers live in the UK…)


Hobby Website

For my next website I want it to surround music. I feel like most of the content would be blog-based, and each page about something specific involving music.

My vision for my pages would go something similar to:

  1. Home Page (info, recent featured blog posts, etc.)
  2. Music Festivals / Concerts (In the ATX area)
    1. SXSW would have a main feature on the page for updates involving rsvps, the schedule, artists, etc. Spotify playlist for bands coming.
    2. General music festival information. dates, lineups, etc.
  3. Photos. Sure, there will be photos embedded on the concerts page in posts, but I’d like a gallery of all photos on the site in one spot, in a slider.
  4. News
    1. here, I would have a twitter widget connected to a twitter account specificially for this website, where there would be relevant rt information and posts about new releases, tour announcements, any type of news.
    2. For content, it would be blog posts about what’s going on (music videos, albums, new innovations,etc.)
  5. Contact.
    1. social media, email addresses etc.

Honestly, I love Alt Press‘s website layout and colors. The content would be similar and I love how they tie everything together. So, with all that being said, it seems like a lot to put on my plate, but I think it’ll be okay. Looking forward to it.


Hobby website

For my next website, I would like to talk about different television shows. I watch many different shows and think that it would be a cool to write about some of the most popular shows. I would include a basic summary about each series and show information.

I have ideas for six different web pages that would be the following:

  • Drama
  • Comedy
  • Reality
  • Crime
  • Romance
  • Archives (old shows that are still popular or watched by many)

Each page will have a few shows on each page accompanied by a picture and a possible video or link to where videos can be viewed. I like how CMT did their website and will follow it for some of the things on my website. I think a sidebar with a schedule of showings would be a cool thing to incorporate also.


Hobby Webpage

My new page will be about my hobby- writing. Since I was small, I always had an interest in writing stories or simply writing in my so called diary. Writing has also been one of my easiest things to do because I can express myself through paper and pen easier. That is why I have chosen to do a website on writing.

Webpages to be included:

  1. About——–What is Writing?
  2. Me & Writing
  3. Writer’s Block —–Advice
  4. Future Projects
  5. Fanatics—–suggestions for people to look into


I would like my website to look similar to PR Girl Diaries (http://prgirldiaries.com/). The website is a reflection of what I want to do. The website basically contains the same type of pages I’ll be including in my site for writing. I like that its clear, lots of white space, good content and easy to read.