My favorite website is Spotify! Being a music lover I always love to try out new music sites and Spotify has been one that I’ve consistently used since it started. Spotify allows you to search your friends music, artists music, and even make your ow playlists. I LOVE it. The reason I liked the Spotify website so much is because of how much it has evolved. Now with Spotify the navigation is more simple than ever but it also gives you a ton of options. They have playlists for working out, hanging out with your friends, or even ones when you’re trying to study, but they don’t over clutter their homepage with this information. Spotify has also recently started the Discover Weekly page which takes your music taste and makes you your very own playlist. I think they have done a good job with not only the easy to use navigation but the content that is on the page which all together makes the perfect website 🙂

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