One of my favorite websites is the . I probably spend way too much time reading articles that I find on their website. It is nice to take a break from reading the typical new stories and it is a breath of fresh air to see current issues made fun of. Overall I really like the websites design, more specifically its simplicity. I often can get easily overwhelmed and distracted when online and get frustrated at the clutter I see on websites such as Facebook and Yahoo. I really enjoy how simple and basic the layout of the onion can be. The site isn’t flashy and is very easy to navigate through. My only real problem with the site is the amount of content available through the search tab. Im not always able to find articles about certain topics that interest me. The majority of the content posted is based on what their writers care to post about. I feel that the onion does a great job of doing theĀ 10 Principles of Effective Web Design. the navigation is easy, the content is clear and attention grabbing.

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