For my new website, I would like to venture into baking. Baking is always a fun pastime for me and this would allow me or push me to try new recipes and become better. I am thinking that every so often I would try a new recipe and post it onto the website.

My five pages I think would be something like the following:

  1. Home Page
  2. Favorites: This page would consist of two or three recipes that my friends or family members like the most.
  3. Fails: This page would consist of two or three recipes that either turned out horrible or were the least favorites.
  4. Cheesecakes
  5. Cakes/Others

Each page would obviously have a picture with the recipe, but they would also have a couple sentences with my thoughts or experience with making it. The cooking website that I like and plan on following a little would be


By: Sydni Emery

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