For my next website I want to make something about things you could do in Austin.
Home page- Welcome page explaining all the great things to do in Austin and why visiting Austin would be fun
2nd page- Top places to eat in Austin, would have to limit this to a number because there are SO many.
3rd page- Live music scene in Austin. I would make this about some of the top venues to watch live music in Austin.
4th page- Hikes/outdoor activities to do in Austin, would also do the top 5-10 best places to be outside in Austin.
5th page- Nightlife in Austin, best places to go out to on the weekends!
6th page- Contact page
I love the idea of each page being similar to a buzzfeed article, but I want the overall website to be more creative. There is a Wix commercial for website design and I like the options they have but I obviously want to create that myself! The Wix website is really cool and that’s the type of website I would like to use for inspiration.