My website will focus on young women who have developed eating disorders in order to obtain the perfect image that the media so often portrays. It will explore why as a society we constantly pit ourselves against each other, why we are so willing to put down others in order to feel better about ourselves, and why we have such a warped image of what beauty is.
-I don’t want to be ugly anymore.
The first page will be a narrative that explains the thought process behind so many who have developed eating disorders. Whether it be looking for a sense of control, wanting to always lose “just five more pounds,” or never feeling quite good enough for those we have surrounded ourselves with.
-Facts and Figures.
This page will dive deeper into why as a society we act the way we do using evidence of stats and this particular Youtube video.
-My body. My rules.
Ways to overcome self-esteem issues and how to fight the urge to purge.
-Share your story.
A page for visitors to connect with others who are going through the same issues. You are able to read others’ stories as well as submit your own.
-Find help here.
A contact page of places to find immediate help.