reddit-alien (1)

Probably the most eclectic site on the interwebs, Reddit displays a vast selection of  information and entertainment to appeal to anyone’s fancies. I was first introduced to this bundle of fun the summer before my freshman year of college and have since then locked myself in my room, rarely seeing the light of day and wondering to myself, “what the hell did I do for fun before this?”

Reddit is a giant public forum where anyone can post or comment about practically anything happening in the world. You can upvote or downvote any story or comment and be apart of an international community. According to their about page, their stats detail that over 114 million unique viewers visited last month alone with almost 8,000 individual communities, or subreddits. It is usually here on Reddit that I get my daily breaking news first and my cat photos to cut out the middle-man.

Reddit is also one of the very few places where the comments section is just, if not moreso, more interesting to read than the actual posted content itself. The community is upheld to correct grammar and punctuation standards (a big plus for me) and are a articulate and highly creative. You will never see those most irritating of public comment faux paus here.

The one downer about this sight sometimes can be that the material on the front page takes a while to update to something new, and contributing to those headlining posts is impossible. Take for say, an AMA (Ask Me Anything) by your favorite actor pops up, you better be there the second it opens or forget about asking what their most embarrassing moment off-set was. Even just an hour-live post can hold up to thousands of comments.

My favorite subreddit of them all, you ask? Definitely, without a doubt, r/avocadoesgonewild.

Just kidding (maybe), my two favorites are r/redditgetsdrawn and r/myreactionwhen.

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