This company was mentioned last class and that someone from Texas State now works for this company (a few more than what he mentioned actually) but I love the stuff Rooster Teeth does and the interface for their website.
I like that when the site loads up it automatically displays the latest videos they have put out. A nice touch that I like is that the site also has widgets in the corner right next to the logo to allow you to follow, like, and sub right from the get-go. I feel like it just says “This is who we are and what we’re about. Like what you see? There’s all the social stuff to keep up to date on what we do”
There are also several other smaller sections of the company that handle different productions and they all have their own separate site, also with their own sets of social profiles, and the links to the different websites are at the very top of the home page for easy navigation. It keeps everything a lot less cluttered and I really like that. There are also links to their store and forums so that you can buy some of their merch and talk with other fans of RT and just immerse yourself in the community.
The whole site is just made to make it as easy as possible to find the content you’re looking for and just get right to it.