3D printing is the next big thing that offers endless possibilities. Though it’s still in its early stages now, in another ten to fifteen years, it will have been improved on greatly and we will possibly start using them in our homes. They will be used to print everyday products as well as things we’ve customized ourselves or even our own designs. It will be a lot easier to make and share things that we’ve created. Beyond personal use, 3D printing has the potential to make strides in the medical community. It will likely be able to print organs in the future. There are already limbs being printed for humans and even prosthetic hands for children in need. There has already been a 3D printed home and a company is currently working on 3D-printing a bridge over water in Amsterdam. There is still a long way to go and a lot to be improved upon when it comes to 3D printing, but when you think about all the possibilities that it will offer, it’s clear that it will be the next big thing.
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