The website I chose is not necessarily my favorite, nor do I frequent it. I just think it is simple to use and follows the “10 Principles of Effective Web Design” . The website is for Citizen Potawatomi Nation. CPN is my Native American tribe. Originally, I had problems with this website when I used to visit it. It was hard to navigate and there were not many pictures and it wasn’t up-to-date. Now, they have an effective and informative website that is simple yet not too plain.

The home page greets you with a pleasingly designed banner and our logo at the top with the navigation for the site directly underneath. The navigation has drop down boxes when you hover over each section link, which I think is very effective. When you go to the website to find a scholarship or information on the government you don’t need to search around because it is right there on the home page.

Along with many specific links for navigation, this site is chock full of colorful pictures that catch your eye and influence you to want to know more about that story. It isn’t overwhelming with a ton of information about the tribe and services at first. They mostly use pictures and short blurbs on a scrolling widget that has the top stories for the site. The other portions of the site are just as easy to navigate and pleasing to the eye as the home page. Go take a gander and learn about my heritage.

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