Tech news is all around us. Experts are constantly shoving the next big thing down our throat. So what is the next big thing?
Personally, right now I think it’s wearable gear. While it’s not technically a new idea it’s definitely catching on a big way. Google Glass and the Apple Watch are great examples. When they were first introduced, you could hardly visit a tech site without them being the leading article. Now obviously, we know Google Glass kind of failed and went back to the drawing board, but it’s not the death of wearable electronics. Apple’s watch has really caught on lately. While, the reviews might say it’s not there yet, it will be soon since the greatest minds in the industry are hard at work on that type of technology right now. So why is wearable gear getting so much attention?
My answer is mass integration. Having to constantly dig through your pocket for your phone is annoying. So are the constant smudges that you have to wipe off the screen. Then there’s the fact it can be dropped and broken. Right now in the industry, they’re trying to rework designs to fix these flaws. They want technology to be so integrated into your life it’s no longer a separate device from you, it is you. It’s almost like they want us to be turned into cyborgs or something. It’s supposed to be so seamless you don’t even realize you’re using it anymore. That’s why wearable tech is the future.